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Zordix Publishing reveals: Hit game Pinchcliffe Grand Prix to get spiritual successor

Publicerad 2020-04-09

The movie Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is one of Norway’s national cultural treasures and is shown on TV every year at Christmas. The new game under development by Ravn is a spiritual successor to the PC and Nintendo DS title with the same name, a game that has sold over 380 000 copies in Norway alone! Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is Zordix Publishing’s biggest project thus far, with a budget of close to 1.5 Million USD.

Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is a game for the whole family which mixes interactive storytelling with fun minigames and high octane racing. Zordix’ subsidiary Invictus Games will develop the racing part of the title. The expected release date is during the second quarter of 2021.

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