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The Cleantech Profile of 2019

Publicerad 2020-01-20

”Feels so great! We are so bad at telling people what we do. Fun that someone notices our work!”

It was an astonished Emil Eriksson during Tuesday\’s Cleantech Meetup in Örnsköldsvik. The prize consists, in addition to honour, of a competency check of SEK 20,000 to be used for skills enhancement activities such as travel, education, conferences for exapmle.

The motivation was: ”He has for a long time worked and developed products for the purification of leachate and stormwater. His products utilize the technology of the future and the power of nature to create better environments and water.”

The criteria for nominating a person for the title Cleantech Profile is that it must be a person who has engaged and positioned himself or his/her company in an exemplary way whitin green technology, clean energy or sustainable solutions in northern Sweden. This year 18 people were nominated and it was the third year the award was appointed. In the picture we see Emil Eriksson, Järven Ecotech and Helena Näsström, North Sweden Cleantech.

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