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Sigr launches clothing for cyclists based on biomotion

Publicerad 2020-10-21

After two years of research and development, Sigr presents the unique collections “Östkusten” and “Västkusten” for improved visibility in bad weather. 

This new all-weather cycling clothing is based on biomotion – the science of using the body’s motion patterns to increase visibility.

– We emphasise the cyclist’s movements with strategically placed highly visible details in this autumn’s two new collections for cycling in rain and darkness. Sigr wants to make it safer yet chic while cycling in bad weather, says Fredrik Petrusson, Head of Design at Sigr.

Sigr adds a vital quality – visibilty to good looking, comfortable and functional cycling rain clothing for women and men. Science shows that the patterns of motion made by human bodies are the strongest signals for other road users to notice a cyclist. The speed at which a motorist recognises a cyclist can make all the difference in preventing an accident.

Östkusten and Västkusten are two collections tricked out with areas of increased visibility where a cyclist’s movement is greatest. The knees, calves and ankles are highlighted with hi-viz colour combined with ultra-reflective panels, which according to scientific studies, best alert motorists to the presence of a cyclist.

– Sigr wants that braking to start earlier as a result of increased visibility. The aim is for everyone to be able to feel safe in any traffic situation. But cyclists often need to share the road with other road users and thus, the visibility of the clothing is extremely important, says Fredrik Petrusson.

Studies show that car drivers are mainly concerned with paying attention to other car drivers and that cyclists overestimate their own visibility. This increases the importance of biomotion and raising the visibility of the body’s moving parts.

The collections will be launched on the 25th October 2020 at

Split seconds save lives

The reaction time of a car driver is between 1.25 and 2 seconds, which is the time it takes before the brake pedal is pressed.
A car travelling at 50 km/h travels nearly 30 m in 2 seconds.


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