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Recycled and sustainable clothing by Sigr

Publicerad 2020-02-06

Big news for Sigr in 2020. March will bring the release of Sigr\’s new Pro jerseys, all of which will be made of 100% recycled material. The physical quality of the PRO jerseys has always been a priority for Sigr and now that they are 100% recycled, they have been imbued with new values that at first glance, you can\’t see. Responsibility and sustainability.

Sigr is serious about their mission, and since the earth\’s resources are finite, they are looking for ways to use more recycled materials in their garments. Sigr kicked off this journey with their 2019 Ocean jerseys by using material made from recycled fishing nets and other \’ocean plastic\’, two words which we think you\’ll agree, really shouldn\’t be said together.

This year Sigr will take the next step and make all PRO jerseys using recycled material.

”Running a profitable business goes hand in hand with being environmentally and socially responsible. For us at Sigr, anything else is unthinkable.” Jenny Ferry CEO at Sigr says.

Prototyping is another area where Sigr has made great strides during 2019. Prototyping can involve many versions of a single garment being designed, tweaked, manufactured, sent for testing and sent for approval. In all probability, this chain of events could be repeated multiple times until the garment is ready for the world.

This year the whole Sigr spring collection has been made using avatars, thereby reducing our environmental impact to almost zero.

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