Nuiteq appoints video editor
May it be for collaboration, demos or tutorials, in Education as in Business, the need for video is increasing. Being able to offer quality video content to software\’s users, partners, and clients is therefore essential to Nuiteq.
The company now introduce Felicia Ignberg as the most recent addition to Nuiteq\’s Creative Team. In her role as a Video Editor, Felicia will actively participate in increasing the company\’s video content offering.
”While finishing my last year of Media Studies program, I had the chance to meet the CEO of Nuiteq, who was looking for Video Editors. I was glad to hear that, as media jobs are scarce in the North of Sweden; I directly knew this was something for me. I got to learn a bit more about the company and felt it was the right place to start my career. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and to follow my passion”, says Felicia Ignberg, Nuiteq Video Editor.
Felicia has recently graduated the Arts and Media program from Anderstorpskolan Skellefteå, Sweden.
”We’re glad to have Felicia join our team up in the North of Sweden, as we are proud to be able to keep local talent here in the region. It is a strong focus of ours to create educational video content for our partners, customers, and users, so we are looking forward to seeing how she will contribute to that”, says Harry van der Veen, Nuiteq CEO and co-founder.