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Memotus App at forefront of digital healthcare

Publicerad 2020-04-02

Umea-based health technology company Instrube Health AB has developed a new communication app for the healthcare industry. Called Memotus, the new messaging app and platform is designed for both healthcare providers and patients, allowing them to manage consultations and follow-up visits digitally.

– We are now ready to supplement physical care by offering healthcare providers a digital communication tool”, says Mikael Östberg, CEO of Instrube Health.

The original idea for the app came from the company’s founders Simon Dahl and Mikael Östberg, who wanted to simplify the way healthcare providers connected to people involved in physical exercise who had been injured. Since then the app has been developed into a messaging service for any type of healthcare professional who wants to support their patients digitally. One of the company’s main investment partners is Norrlandsfonden.

Healthcare providers want simple, secure and flexible ways of communicating with their patients when conducting consultations and following up cases. This has been made more complicated by the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which places much stricter demands on communication between healthcare providers and patients.

– These days healthcare is both physical and digital. We are now ready to supplement physical care with our digital communication tool. We neither want to or should try to compete with the healthcare industry as several online medical services do today. A major advantage of our app is that it complies with GDPR requirements for communication while still being easy to use and flexible, says Mikael Östberg.

He continues:

– Complex digital platforms already exist in hospitals and larger clinics, but at smaller facilities and practices such as physiotherapists, naprapaths and psychologists, there is a need for an easy-to-use tool, with similar functions to email, SMS, and messaging apps. It is among these smaller practices the Memotus app can be of most use.

– Memotus has the potential to be of great benefit to the healthcare sector. In the future, healthcare will increasingly be both physical and digital. Right now the development of new services is happening at a faster pace than the healthcare industry can adapt to them, which is why it’s so important Instrube Health has got off to such a good start and is leading the way, says Anna Hedström from Norrlandsfonden.

Read more about Memotus

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