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Follow us to Medica 2019

Publicerad 2019-09-11

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and the EEN Healthcare Sector Group, including Uminova Innovation, offers SME:s and startups to participate in a matchmaking event on November 18-20 at the “Healthcare Brokerage event MEDICA 2019”.
The matchmaking will offer Healthcare executives and key opinion leaders as well as disruptive and promising companies the possibility to meet bilaterally in pre-arranged 30 minutes meetings

Why you should join?
• To identify new potential partners or clients.
• Expand ongoing business and/or commercialise new products
• To exchange best practice and knowledge
• To attract investments and industrial partnerships
• To identify new business and research opportunities
• To develop and strengthen already ongoing business partnerships.
• Medica also provides you with business monitoring and competitor analysis on the hottest trends, the latest technology, and challenges in the Healthcare sector – that might influence you for doing successful business.

More information about EEN\’s Healthcare Brokerage Event MEDICA 2019, please look at incl. deadlines on various activities related to the registration.
The earlier you sign up with an interesting selling description of your company, with an offer or a request, the more visible you are on the site to be booked by potential meeting partners.
In order to make the decision easier, for you as an entrepreneur, to participate in the EEN arranged brokerage event we (Uminova Innovation) will take the costs/registration fee of the brokerage event, for Swedish companies situated in the Västerbotten county.

Uminova Innovation has also pre-booked a number of hotel rooms in Mühlheim at Hotel Neu (approx. 160-170 Euro / night) to facilitate you / your looking for accommodation. The flight and accommodation / hotel are normally paid by the participating company. With your admission ticket (eTicket) to the MEDICA fair, you can travel to and from the Düsseldorf Trade Fair Center free of charge on Rheinbahn, Rhine-Ruhr Regional Transport Network routes (VRR, 2nd class, trains without additional fees in fare zone D) as well as Rhine-Sieg Regional Transport Network routes (VRS, 2nd class, trains without additional fees).
In total – the offer gives you the potential for developing your business, through agreements for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, joint ventures or other types of partnership.
Does it sound interesting? Please contact Kurt Strömgren for a further dialogue, no later than September 27th.

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