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Create a circular business model with EEN and RISE

Publicerad 2020-12-09

Do you want your company to be more sustainable? Not sure where to start? Experts from Enterprise Europe Network Västerbotten (EEN) and RISE can help you get going.

– Everyone needs to contribute to Agenda2030, even small and medium-sized companies of course. Sometimes new glasses are needed to discover which parts of a company can be improved, says Peter Bäckström, business developer at EEN Västerbotten.

Circular business model

A circular economy is the opposite of the traditional, linear economy we have today. Instead of manufacturing, buying, using and then throwing things away, in a circular economy you use everything you have produced for as long as possible. And when things are used up, they are reused and recycled as much as possible over and over again – all to consume less of the earth\’s resources and reduce our waste. A modern word for cycles.

The goal of circular business models is to ensure that the your own company is part of this cycle as far as possible.

One, two, three

First, you have a digital meeting with a business developer where you talk through your company\’s conditions and plan the work ahead. The next step is to participate in a workshop series consisting of three half days. Individual coaching is included.

● Day 1) mapping and inventory
● Day 2) business models and proposals for initiatives
● Day 3) roadmap and implementation

The support is free and for small and medium-sized companies. The workshop series starts continuously in rounds and is set up according to each individual company\’s needs.

Ready to get started?

Contact Peter Bäckström, business developer EEN in Västerbotten

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