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Collaboration between startups and large companies strengthens the ecosystem

Publicerad 2019-11-18

It is a strong trend and a obvious fact that most large international companies are investing in partnerships with innovative and sustainable startups to increase speed. It is not jus about gaining access to cutting-edge technology, but also learning new ways of working in projects and obtaining access to skills that you would not otherwise have been able to associate with. Two persons that are working to to strengthen a ecosystem for innovation are Catarina Berglund, Automation Region and Stina Lantz, Ignite Sweden. They will talk about this under Umeå Tech Arena on November 26.

Development and innovation often occur when companies, researchers and public actors meet and collaborate. Catarina Berglund, Process leader at Automation Region, leads the work on developing a neutral collaboration platform with purpose of increasing Sweden´s innovation power.

-We are trying to create the right conditions for all players to be able to contribute with their super powers, so that we can work smarter together. The large companies, for example, have established market channels and processes for product development, but they can accelerate their innovation by working with start-up companies. With well-functioning collaborative environments, Sweden can take position in developing a smart industry, says Catarina Berglund.

Ignite Sweden has built a platform for large companies and industry to meet startups that can solve their challenges with new technologies. Stina Lantz, Program manager at Ignite Sweden sees a growing interest among large companies to open up their innovation work for startups.

-Ignite Sweden has worked actively with over 350 startups since 2017 and has been able to see fantastic collaborations with large companies and public sector, even across geographical boundaries, says Stina Lantz.

-What is so amazing is when we gather people who is interested in finding collaborations between on another, you sometimes find unexpected connections. An example of an unexpected connection is when a startup first develops a solution for an industry, and later on can apply the same solution for a health and medical care company, says Stina Lantz.


If you want to listen to Stina Lantz and Catarina Berglund and many more speakers you are welcome to join Umeå Tech Arena on November 26 in Umeå.

The event is free of charge and registration is open:

The entire event  will also be livestreamed at:


Catarina Berglund was recently interviewd in the pod serie, Powerful Women. Interested to listen to her before Umeå Tech Arena, click here!


Umeå Tech Arena is a meetup for everyone who loves tech organized by Uminova Innovation. The event is held in English.

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