Codemill on international list
The list of legendary Swedish startup successes like Spotify, Skype, iZettle and King has grown long over the past few years. There is great interest from all over the world to follow what is happening in Sweden.
But stepping up in line, what companies do we see coming up to follow the big giants? International startup site Sifted has investigated that and therefore gathered its experts to list 100 exciting startup companies in Sweden. Among these is Codemill from Umeå as one of the companies that draws their attention.
Codemill started in 2007 and during its first years had its premises at Uminova Innovation. The first employees are still in the company, even if the company has grown to around 60 employees today and is now an expert on technical video solutions.
The target remains high. Recently, the company announced that it is taking in SEK 20 million in venture capital from a couple of entrepreneurs and business angels. At the same time, the finances is increasing by 10 million in loans from Almi and the Norrlandsfonden. The aim is to set the number of employees to increase to 80 already this year and sales offices will be opened in Los Angeles, London and Japan. In addition, the company is preparing for an IPO.
Sifted’s choice to highlight Codemill is therefore right in place.
Here you will find the list that Sifted calls ”Top Swedish startups to follow in 2020”.